The TURN ON presentation will develop HDA’s approach to multidisciplinary design using the Islamic Arts courtyard "Voile" as illustration of how the combined disciplines of structural design, glazing technology and light filtering systems were developed to respond to Ricciotti and Bellini’s architectural concepts.
H.D. | R.Z.
Hugh Dutton, born 1957 in UK, graduated from the Architectural Association, London in 1981. He collaborated with Peter Rice at RFR from 1983 notably on the La Villette science museum facades and subsequent development of the point fixed glazing system and then began HDA in 1995 after Rice’s untimely passing in 1992. Major projects at HDA include the Osaka maritime Museum, the Passerella Olimpico in Turin, airport facades at Incheon and Changi, the Acropolis museum, and the Drugstore Publicis facades in Paris. At the Louvre, having worked on the inverted pyramid with Rice, Hugh Dutton collaborated more recently with Waagner-Biro on the new Islamic Arts wing.
René Ziegler, geb. 1966 in Lörrach, Deutschland. Bauingenieurstudium an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Anschließend wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Baustatik. Dissertation zum Thema "Theorie und Numerik für den Entwurf von vorgespannten Membrankonstruktionen". Seit 2001 bei Waagner-Biro Leiter der Gruppe Structural Design im Bereich der Stahl-Glas-Technik.
Die von Waagner-Biro ausgeführten Projekte wurden mehrfach mit nationalen und internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnet.