Freitag, 8. März | 13:40

Architecture and Daylight – a Sustainable Approach

Understanding human needs, climate issues and building performances is our common aspiration.

The wish to create sustainable solutions derives from a strong desire to design social and democratic spaces. The understanding of sustainable design is constantly developing – environmental logic can substantiate and innovate design concepts through a process oriented building practice.

Commitment to the innovative aspect of architecture and focus on daylight and sustainable ideas are, from the architect’s point of view, based on strong collaborations with the building industry and academic fields – bringing inspiration to development of new architecture and new directions.

Daylight is the single most important factor driving design. Demands and recommendations for daylight level are tight and inspire understanding of architectural quality.

For most architects, innovation happens related to specific projects that are bringing new challenges to the table, and also creating a financial basis to think new. Collaboration with material- and systems suppliers is fundamental to creation of architectural work, but also important to our common understanding of our joint challenges. When we talk about high performance, we have to work closer together avoiding gaps or overlaps.

A common understanding of climate issues and performance of the facade can be a driver for architecture. Coming from a Scandinavian background – we are faced with the importance of bringing daylight into our buildings, – we know the need to protect against low sun angles and overheating and also preparing ourselves for very low temperatures. All to be handled within the same design. There is a need to think new.

Stig Mikkelsen, born 1956 in Copenhagen. Founder and owner of Mikkelsen Arkitekter. The office works on dialog and collaboration in aiming to reach ambitious goals within responsible and high performance architecture. Amongst realized projects are Laboratory and logistics building, Bispebjerg Hospital, Damesalen, University of Copenhagen, Royal Library Amager, Danish Radio and Ramboll Head Office, Danish National Bank – projects responding to energy, daylight and indoor climate, as drivers for development of architectural design. Stig Mikkelsen lectures on own work, green building-, energy-, architectural-, and tectonic subjects and participates in jurys and professional boards. Mikkelsen Arkitekter is based in Copenhagen and employs 30 staff.