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archiguards Martin Scharfetter Delugan_Meissl Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler Patricia Zacek Nasrine Seraji fasch&fuchs. Tschapeller/Schöffauer Leeb Condak Grundmann Riepl Riepl Architekten Eichinger oder Knechtl Steinmayr & Mascher Riegler Riewe Klaus Kada |
![]() Innovativ ist in Wien heute nicht nur der geförderte Wohnungsbau. Bei einem neuen, frei finanzierten Komplex in der Linzerstraße sind die Baukörper stark differenziert, ihre einfache Form ist aufgelöst, gleichsam dekonstruiert. Die räumliche Gestaltung der Wohnungen hebt sich von dem, was üblicherweise entsteht, ab. Auf ein oder auch zwei Ebenen liegend und mit vielen Kanten und Schrägen im Grundriss ist jede Wohnung individuell gestaltet. Vielfach findet man einen zweigeschossigen Bereich im Wohnraum, der großflächig verglast ist und in einen niedrigeren, dunkleren Teil übergeht. Die stark gegliederte Fassade zum grünen Hof zeigt eine besondere Tiefe und Räumlichkeit und interpretiert so ein klassisches Thema der Architektur auf neue Weise.. M.U. Void as potential, façades with no composition, section as generator, repetition as variation, and ... The lecture will concentrate on the programme of housing as another form of "public building". The Linzerstraße housing complex presented us with the challenge of investigating the position of housing in our fast-media world, the position of architects versus private client and pre-fabrication in a post-industrial era. It also allowed us to compare construction methods and standards in Austria and France simultaneously. We asked ourselves whether it was still important to pay attention to some basic questions that the moderns had asked in the early twenties and thirties. Though most European citizens are sheltered, we challenged the question of housing as a right and not a privilege. The "void" is the simplest and most pedantic definition for space, but is "space" still a challenge in architecture? N.S. "The theme of the void reappears in the housing complex on the Linzerstraße in Vienna, this time as double- height spaces which give the building its identity and the apartments their amplitude. The façades are generated by the exhibition of the interlocking pattern of the voids; inside, these voids expand the domestic space towards the sky. By borrowing, as need be, a part of the adjacent apartment, these voids challenge and enrich the way the classical notion of vicinity is perceived. By allowing the future insertion of stairs and therefore the connection of two initially separate dwellings, they leave open the possibility of a volumetric reorganisation of the building and ensure its flexibility: a daring scenario in a privately-funded project, whose programme required a design that would utilise Mischek prefabricated elements." Françoise Fromonot Nasrine Seraji, studied at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London before founding her own studio in Paris. Architect of the Temporary American Centre in Paris (1991) and the Pavilion of the Caverne du Dragon in the north of France (1998), she has recently completed two housing complexes in Paris and in Vienna (2003). She recently won a competition to extend the School of Architecture in Lille. Seraji has taught design at the Architectural Association in London and at Princeton University. For five years, she was the director of one of the two Meisterschulen at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna and head of the Institute for Art and Architecture. She is currently professor and chair of the Department of Architecture at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Libria recently published Nasrine Seraji, "Architecture as Territory". Melfi, Italy 2002. ![]() Weiterführende Links: atelier@seraji.net Projektliste der Architektin in der nextroom architektur datenbank weitere Projektbilder von Pez Hejduk ![]() |